Wakacyjny kurs sanskrytu


piaski-krolewskie-dolina-slonca103-piaski-krolewskie-dolina-sloncaRedakcja  Biblioteki jogi zaprasza wszystkich chętnych do udziału w kursie wprowadzającym do sanskrytu, który odbędzie się w dniach 2-6 sierpnia 2016 w gospodarstwie agroturystycznym „Zielona Łączka” we wsi Secymin Nowy w gminie Leoncin, bajecznie położonym nad brzegiem Wisły.

Zajęcia w języku angielskim poprowadzi dr Sampadananda Miśra, dyrektor Śri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture z Pondicherry. Planujemy 5 dni zajęć w sali wykładowej, a potem dla chętnych jeszcze 3 dni praktyki  konwersacji w sanskrycie na spływie kajakowym z Secymina do Płocka.

Wstęp na zajęcia wolny, a wynajęcie kajaków dwuosobowych kosztuje w zaprzyjaźnionej wypożyczalni 45  zł/dobę.

82-piaski-krolewskie-dolina-slonca129-piaski-krolewskie-dolina-sloncaPragniemy poinformować, że z powodu nieco większej niż oczekiwaliśmy liczby zgłoszeń, zdecydowaliśmy się zmienić miejsce kursu i przenieść całą imprezę do pobliskiego ośrodka szkoleniowo-rekreacyjnego. Ośrodek nazywa się „Dolina Słońca” i położony jest w lesie, w puszczy Kampinoskiej, w miejscowości Piaski Królewskie. Nocleg wraz z całodziennym wyżywieniem kosztuje 80 zł. Pokoje są dwuosobowe – z możliwością wynajęcia przez jedną osobę bez dopłaty.

Kto chce przyjechać z własnym namiotem – za dobę opłata wynosi 10 zł, a za wyżywienie – 40 zł. Kierownictwo „Doliny Słońca” nie wymaga z góry żadnych zaliczek, wiec opłatę za pobyt można będzie uiścić po przyjeździe, w momencie rozpoczęcia kursu. Sam kurs jest bezpłatny.

Osoby pragnące wziąć udział w kursie prosimy o zgłaszanie się do dnia 30 lipca 2016  na adres mailowy :


Poniżej szczegółowy program zajęć.





The Wonder that is Sanskrit


 A Five day Sanskrit Learning Workshop in Secymin Nowy, Poland


Sampadananda Mishra2
Sampadananda Mishra

The workshop will seek to provide an acquaintance with the various dimensions of Sanskrit’s personality. This workshop is open to all, but there will be a cap on the maximum number of participants.

Some Gems about Sanskrit:

For those who have not had an opportunity to go through the book ‘The Wonder that is Sanskrit’ by Dr Sampadananda Mishra, here are some gems from it. Most of these will be elaborated in the workshop.

  • The sounds forming the roots of all Sanskrit words have an intrinsic meaning (rather than being merely historical conventions) eg, the word ‘shanti’ conveys peaceful sound vibrations! In regard to not only ‘Om’, but to all Sanskrit words the Sound and the Word are seen as being at the origin of creation.
  • Even the word-pictures of the Sanskrit/ Devanagri alphabets have been designed according to their meaning.
  • All verbs, and most nouns, are composed of verb-roots and based on rules regarding appendages. Familiarity with 700 basic verb roots, 20 commonly-used prefixes, together with these rules, gives a substantial command over the language. Combinations into words/ sentences are done in a way that imparts a fluidity/ melody.
  • There are many synonyms, often as many as 10-30, with different shades of meaning … shades are often not translatable into English ‘equivalents’
  • Flexibility of structure … e.g., words in a sentence can be re-arranged without changing the meaning
  • Researchers in computer have found that Sanskrit is an ideal “natural language” for computers in many ways
  • Sanskrit is a linguistic base to many different languages, Indian and European, so a familiarity will help us to easily connect to many Indian languages
  • Sanskrit is also called Devbhasha or language of the Gods or a Divine language. The word ‘Sanskrit’ means ‘refined’ or ‘sculpted to perfection’. India has more than hundreds of spoken dialects, but Sanskrit is the oldest, most continually used language in the world, at least since 1500 BC, perhaps since 6000 BC. It “has the power to lift us up above ourselves – it is a potent aid to the formation of character and sense of exaltation”.

An appreciation of the above nuances has the potential to open one to the mantric quality of Sanskrit, to the nuances of key Sanskrit words/ concepts, to the interconnections between Indian languages, and to a deeper engagement with vast ranges of the spiritual and other literature in Sanskrit


Sessions Summery

  1. Sanskrit –A Language of Yoga: In this session one explores the greatness of identity between Sanskrit and Yoga. It deals with the role of Sanskrit in maintaining wellbeing of human beings.
  2. Let’s Speak  Sanskrit:  Here, while learning conversational Sanskrit in the most direct and natural ways, one experiences the beauty and charm of Sanskrit through many entertaining modes.
  3. Wonders of Sanskrit Alphabet: Here one learns the systematic and scientific nature of the phonetic system of Sanskrit language. It also tries to give an experience of Pranayama through the sounds of Sanskrit.
  4. System of Root-sounds: A proper investigation of many Sanskrit words shows that in Sanskrit a word is not a conventional symbol for an idea, but itself the parent and the creator of ideas. Here one learns about the transparent system of formation of words from the root-sounds, one of the important factors that makes Sanskrit an ever creative language.
  5. Mantrayoga: The importance of Mantra Yoga lies in the fact that it helps improving all human activities and mantra connects us with the whole life. Here one learns the principles of right and effective way of chanting, reciting and reading Sanskrit Mantras.  Rules are explained and later illustrated by examples.
  6. Beauty  of Sanskrit Grammar: in this session one understands the beauty and simplicity of Sanskrit Grammar.
  7. Srimad Bhagavad Gita: This is an introduction to the Gita through a multi-media presentation. This CD is meant not just for spiritual seekers, philosophers, researchers, but for people of all age groups, nations, beliefs, who want to know what the Gita has to say and wish to understand its true spiritual essence.
  8. Rhythms of Sanskrit Metres: The aim here is to make the participants familiar with the principles of Sanskrit Chandas. Here one also learns various aspects of Sanskrit Chandas and their deeper values. It explains the applicability of the Chandas by linking the study of Metrics with healing, with Pranayama, with Nature, with Music, with Mathematics, with the philosophy of creation etc.
  9. Stories and rhymes: Here one experiences the beauty of simple stories and songs in Sanskrit.
  10. Question and Answer Session: Anyone can participate in this session and the facilitator will try to answer the questions of the participants. The questions have to be related to the theme of the workshop.
  11. Sanskrit in Electronic Media: IN this session one learns about the various tools available in electronic media format for facilitating Sanskrit learning.
  12. Subhashitas: One learns the most beautiful wise sayings in Sanskrit and through those enters into the beauty, structure and the spirit of the language.

Date 09.30 to 10.30am 10.40 to 11.40am 12.00 to 01.00pm Lunch 2.00 to 3.00pm 3.05 to 4.00pm 4.15 to 5.00pm
02.08.2016 Sanskrit – A Language of Yoga Let us Speak Sanskrit Wonders of Sanskrit Alphabet (1) Let us Speak Sanskrit The Beauty of Sanskrit Grammar Mantra Yoga
03.08.2016 On Writing Devanagari Let us Speak Sanskrit Rhythms of Sanskrit Metres Let us Speak Sanskrit Simple Sanskrit Songs Mantra Yoga


Introduction of Sanskrit Literature Let us Speak Sanskrit Interesting and Amazing Creations in Sanskrit Let us Speak Sanskrit Sanskrit Subhashitas Mantra Yoga


Introduction to Srimad Bhagavad Gita Let us Speak Sanskrit Simple Sanskrit Stories Let us Speak Sanskrit System of Root-sounds in Sanskrit Mantra Yoga
06.08.2016 Sanskrit in Electronic Media Let us Speak Sanskrit Question and Answer session Let us Speak Sanskrit Feedback and Sharing Conclusion


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